Connecticut Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans have special laws not found in most states. All plans must be community-rated and they offer open enrollment year-round in the Constitution State. This means if you’re 65 or 85 in CT, you’ll technically pay the same rate and can enroll nearly anytime you want. This makes plans super accessible and somewhat pricey but there are some ways to save money and get the most out of your Connecticut Medigap. Additionally, in certain cases, Connecticut doesn’t permit excess charges.

Connecticut community-rated Medigap plans explained

Connecticut’s community-rated Medigap rules require insurance providers to charge the same rate to everyone, regardless of age, gender, or zip code. Insurance companies are allowed, however, to set their own community-rated price for each plan they offer so it is important to shop around. You can get instant Medigap CT prices from here without speaking to a representative.

Since Community-rated plans have to offer one price for everyone, they are usually priced initially higher than the age-attained plans in other states that are allowed to charge more as you get older. One workaround that some insurance providers offer to lower prices is called a community-rated plan with an age discount. So, for example, if a community-rated plan normally costs $300 those with a “community-rated plan with age discount” may receive a 30% discount when they first sign up. Each year the discount reduces by a certain percentage (like 3%) until the discount goes away. Contact at 800-930-7956 to see which plans offer community-rated with age discounts.

Connecticut Medigap is ALWAYS guaranteed issuance

In most states, you are only guaranteed to be approved for Medigap under certain circumstances such as right after you initially enroll in Medicare Part B. In Connecticut, however, you can enroll in a Medigap plan at any time of the year with guaranteed issuance (approval). You cannot be denied or charged more due to age, gender, or pre-existing conditions. This is a very special option for Connecticut Medigap that is only available in a few states.

If you do not have creditable coverage (a health plan that offers minimum benefits) at the time of enrollment, your CT Medigap plan may apply a 6-month waiting period to cover your pre-existing conditions. You will still have coverage for any new health issues or emergencies that come up.

CT Medigap Plans can be Pricey

Due to Connecticut Medigap’s guaranteed issuance and community-rated pricing rules, plans can be pricey. Make sure to compare letter plans and insurance providers to get the best rate.

One trick we recommend if you find that the popular Medigap plan G is too expensive in CT is to consider Plan G High Deductible and Medigap Plan N for lower-priced Medigap options.

Comparing Connecticut Medigap Plans

The following Connecticut chart showcases 8 Medigap plans (and how they cover annual Medicare Part A & B costs) available to those who qualified for Medicare Part B after 2020. Medigap Plans C and F are only available for those who became Medicare Part B eligible prior to January 1, 2020.

Benefits A B D G* K L M N
Medicare Part A Deductible ($1,632) 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 50% 100%
Part B Deductible ($240)
Medicare Part A Hospital Coinsurance and 365 additional hospital days 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Medicare Part B Coinsurance 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
First 3 Pints of Blood for a Transfusion 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Medicare Part A Hospice Coinsurance or Copay 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Medicare Part B Excess Charges 100%
Foreign Emergency Healthcare 80% 80% 80% 80%
Max Out-of-Pocket $7,060 $3,530

Get a Medigap Quote Enroll in Medigap

*Medigap Plan High G offers the same coverage as Medigap Plan G but with a deductible.

Medigap discounts for Connecticut

To save money, we have compiled the most used Connecticut discounts available. Click on each to learn more:

CT Medicare beneficiaries CAN be charged Part B Excess Charges

Many doctors and facilities charge patients an extra 15% not covered by Medicare. These extra charges are called Excess Charges and are totally legal.

Medicare beneficiaries pay Part B Excess charges unless if they have Medigap Plan F or G. Plan G covers all excess charges of up to 15% more than the Medicare-approved amount.

There has been misleading information that Connecticut Medicare beneficiaries cannot be charged for Part B Excess charges. This is not true! Only those who are in the “Qualified Medicare Beneficiary” level of the Medicare Saving program do not pay Part B Excess Charges. Source:

Switching Medigap Plans in Connecticut: Birthday Rule

Each state is responsible for regulating changes between Medigap companies and between different plans within the same company. Some states have implemented the Medigap Birthday Rule, which allows for Medicare Supplement changes without medical underwriting. Connecticut is not among those states, but it does have specific rules that make changing policies somewhat easier. If you already have a policy and are thinking about switching, you can contact through this link for free advice. Alternatively, you can read our detailed article, “Medigap Switching In Connecticut: No Health Questions At Any Time,” for more information.

You can (likely) keep your CT Medigap plan if move out of state

You can keep your Connecticut Medigap plan if you move to another state. Medigap plans are portable and you can access Medicare’s national network no matter where you live (Source). It will work in your new state just like it does in CT and there is no need to reapply in most cases. Your Medigap price may increase if you end up living in another state in the future.

Next steps for Connecticuters

For a quote or further questions on Connecticut plans, call one of our licensed agents a call at 800-930-7956.

Our agents can NOT charge you a fee for a quote or enrollment.