BBB Accredited Business
Years in Business: 20

Medicare Skilled Nursing Secret

July 11, 2014 /// 16 Comments

Original Medicare offers some benefits for Skilled Nursing Facility care. Unfortunately few people understand what SNF is and how it works. We will tell you what it is and how to make sure you will qualify for it should you need it.

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Stroke Rehabilitation: Medicare Costs and Coverage

July 10, 2014 /// 64 Comments

A stroke is a concern for many Medicare beneficiaries. A question our clients keep asking us is how is treatment for stroke different in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Skilled Nursing Facilities. We’ll explain the first line of care after a stroke.

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New to Medicare: What to Do Now

July 9, 2014 /// 4 Comments

So you’re new to Medicare and don’t really know what to do. Things are very different from individual or group insurance, so we’ve made a list of what you need to do once you are eligible.

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Medicare D Program: How to Choose the Right Plan

July 9, 2014 /// No Comments

Medicare Part D program helps seniors save on the high cost of prescription drugs. We have made it simple to choose…

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Medicare Assistance: Medicare Basics

July 4, 2014 /// 4 Comments

The basics of Medicare can be overwhelming, we’ve found some information to guide you. For instance, If you didn’t sign up for Medicare B in your initial enrollment you should…

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Over 65 Signing up for Medicare Part B Online

July 4, 2014 /// 44 Comments

A few clients who are over 70 years old have reported that they were unable to sign up for Medicare Part B online and kept getting an error message. We found out why.

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Medicare Premiums

July 3, 2014 /// No Comments

Medicare premiums vary dependent on whether you want original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, or Medigap. This is a decision for you to make based off of your…

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Boomer Healthcare Services: It’s Not that Complicated

July 2, 2014 /// No Comments

The labyrinth of senior healthcare services seems complicated, but we found out that it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few key things to know…

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Planning for Retirement: Healthcare

June 25, 2014 /// 1 Comment

Retirement planning for your healthcare is one of the most important things you can do before and after you turn 65. Here’s a list of important things to plan for once you are Medicare-eligible. 1) Advance Directives…

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Gap Health Insurance: Medigap

June 24, 2014 /// 2 Comments

So you have Medicare Part A and Part B, you think you’ve got yourself covered, but then you end up being in the hospital over 60 days, and you have to foot the bill yourself. You wonder how can you prevent this? There is one way to prevent this from happening. Find out how…

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