BBB Accredited Business
Years in Business: 20

Medicare Part C and Original Medicare

July 30, 2014 /// No Comments

When you become eligible for Medicare you have the option of staying in Original Medicare or opting for Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) which is a private health plan that contracts with Medicare to…

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Medigap: 5 Reasons It May Be the Right Choice

July 28, 2014 /// 1 Comment

Medicare Supplement insurance, aka Medigap, helps cover the costs that Medicare leaves open. Here are five reasons why Medigap might be right for you. 1) Medigap pays for your blood, 2) Medigap offers…

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Health Insurance Supplements: Medigap Plans

July 25, 2014 /// No Comments

Medigap plans cover more than you might realize. If you have Medicare Part A and B, you’re covered, right? Well, yes and no, because it will cost you more for…

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Medicare Creates Healthcare Rating System

July 23, 2014 /// No Comments

Medicare is creating a rating system to compare Home Health Care, Hospital Care, and Dialysis Care. Currently, there is a Skilled Nursing Facility rating system and a Physician Compare.

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Prescription Drug Insurance

July 23, 2014 /// 11 Comments

Prescription drug coverage is an important add-on to Original Medicare. Many Medicare eligible people are unaware that is not included or how much it costs. 1) Medicare Part D is..

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When to get Medicare

July 22, 2014 /// No Comments

Most people know that you get Medicare at 65, but when do you sign up? It’s a great question, and we have an answer. You should sign up three months prior to…

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SS Medicare

July 18, 2014 /// No Comments

SS Medicare sounds like a naval ship out at sea, but what we’re talking about is Social Security and Medicare. These two work together in ways that you might not be familiar with.

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How Much is Medicare?

July 18, 2014 /// 1 Comment

Medicare costs fall into two categories: premiums and cost-sharing.

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Medicare Health Plans:Medicare Advantage vs. Medigap

July 17, 2014 /// 10 Comments

Medicare health plans are advantage and supplemental plans for original Medicare Part A and Part B. We found the way to distinguish between Medicare Advantage and Medigap is through…

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Surprising Star Who Will Be Newly Eligible for Medicare 2014

July 15, 2014 /// No Comments

Did you guess which celebrity is Medicare-eligible this year?

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