The Georgia Medigap plans have rules and regulations to follow. The good news is the Medigap rules are pretty simple. The Peach State has 8 Medicare Supplemental plans available to those who qualified after 2020. Let’s give you some hints on how to make the best decision for your Georgia Medigap plan.

When should you enroll in a Georgia Medigap plan?

Right away! What do we mean by that? You have one Georgia Medigap initial Open Enrollment Period when you are first eligible* for Medicare Part B. This is the main time Georgians can enroll without their preexisting conditions being considered for enrollment. During this time you cannot be charged more or denied based on health issues (tobacco usage can increase your Medigap rate).

*Note: You can delay Medicare Part B if you have coverage through work and still be approved without medical underwriting when you end your work coverage.

How to choose a Georgia Medigap plan

Let’s start off by giving you the biggest hint: As of 2020 the majority of Georgians enroll in Medigap Plan G. (source) The reasoning behind this choice is Medigap G fills in the most gaps of Original Medicare Part A & B’s costs at a fair price. Plan G can cost more per month than other lettered plans, but if you get sick or injured, Plan G can save you a lot of money.

Moreover, Excess Charges can catch you off guard. But fear not! Medigap plans, like Plan G, handle those surprises. Check out our article ‘How To Avoid Medicare Excess Charges’ for the inside scoop.

If Plan G is out of your budget, you’ll want to look at the chart below, to see what you need covered and which coverage you can forego. Then get a Medigap quote. See, easy!

Benefits A B D G*** K L M N
Medicare Part A Deductible ($1,632) 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 50% 100%
Part B Deductible ($240)
Medicare Part A Hospital Coinsurance and 365 additional hospital days 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Medicare Part B Coinsurance 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
First 3 Pints of Blood for a Transfusion 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Medicare Part A Hospice Coinsurance or Copay 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Medicare Part B Excess Charges 100%
Foreign Emergency Healthcare 80% 80% 80% 80%
Max Out-of-Pocket $7,060 $3,530

Get a Medigap Quote Enroll in Medigap

***Hint 3: Medigap Plan G High deductible ($2,800) is a good monthly money-saving option for those who want full coverage when they’re seriously ill or injured but are currently healthy.

REMINDER: Medigap Plan C and Plan F are the only options for those Part B-eligible prior to January 1, 2020.

Georgia Medigap discounts

Georgia Medigap Plans offer a few discounts. Sometimes there are additional discounts offered by some insurance providers but these two are offered by most Med Supp insurance providers (click on each to learn more details):

You can (most likely) keep your GA Medigap plan if you move

You should be able to keep your Georgia Medigap plan if you move out of state (source). These plans are portable and have a national network so it will work in your new state just like it does in Georgia. Your Medigap price may increase if you move out of state.

What now, Georgia?

You’ve probably already done it. You’ll want to get a Medigap quote and enroll.

If you have any questions (nothing is insignificant), leave a comment below or give one of our licensed agents a call at 800-930-7956.

Our agents NEVER charge you a fee for a quote or to enroll you in a plan. No one can sell you the same plan for less than the prices available here on