Idaho Medigap Plans, also known as Medicare Supplement Insurance, is specifically designed to complement Original Medicare coverage. Original Medicare alone may not cover all of your healthcare costs, leaving gaps in coverage like coinsurance and deductibles. With Medigap plans, you have the option to fill those gaps and enjoy more comprehensive coverage.

Idaho Medigap Plans help to cover some of the healthcare costs that are not covered by Medicare.

ID Medicare Supplement Basics

Medigap policies are offered in ten standardized plans, each identified by a letter from “A” to “N.” These plans provide consistent benefits, regardless of the insurance company selling them. However, the premium prices can vary among different companies.

Starting January 1, 2020, Med Supp plans for new Medicare beneficiaries no longer cover the Part B deductible. As a result, Plans C and F are not available to individuals who become eligible for Medicare on or after that date. If you already have one of these plans or the high deductible version of Plan F, or if you were covered by one of these plans before January 1, 2020, you can keep your plan.

Side-by-side Idaho Medigap Plans comparison chart

Plans available for those Medicare-eligible after January 1, 2020:

Benefits A B D G* K L M N
Medicare Part A Deductible ($1,632)   100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 50% 100%
Part B Deductible ($240)                
Medicare Part A Hospital Coinsurance and 365 additional hospital days 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Medicare Part B Coinsurance 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
First 3 Pints of Blood for a Transfusion 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Medicare Part A Hospice Coinsurance or Copay 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance     100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Medicare Part B Excess Charges       100%        
Foreign Emergency Healthcare     80% 80%     80% 80%
Max Out-of-Pocket         $7,060 $3,530    

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*Medigap Plan G High deductible ($2,800) is also available.  Innovative plans may also be available in ID. Give a call for more info.

Idaho Medigap Plans: When To Enroll

Enrolling in a Medigap plan during your Medigap Open Enrollment Period is highly recommended. This enrollment period begins when you turn 65 or older and have Medicare Part B coverage. During this period, which lasts for six months, you have guaranteed issue rights. This means that insurance companies cannot deny you coverage or charge you higher premiums based on your health condition. It’s an opportune time to select a MedSup plan that suits your needs and provides the necessary financial protection. can help you compare costs and help you apply so you do not miss your limited enrollment period.

Idaho Medigap Plans: New Rules

Starting from February 28, 2022, there were two significant changes in the Idaho regulations concerning the rights of individuals purchasing Medigap policies:

    1. Medicare Supplement policyholders will have the opportunity to change their insurance company and/or plan annually, regardless of their health conditions. This enrollment period will last for 63 days and begins on the policyholder’s birthday. This is known as the “Medigap Birthday Rule.Master the Medigap Birthday Rule with Our Comprehensive State Guide.
    2. Premium rates for new Medicare Supplement policies, including when switching insurance companies, will no longer be determined based on the age of the applicant. Instead, a “community rating” system will be used.

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Can I switch plans in Idaho?

You can always switch Medigap plans in Idaho by submitting a new application and answering health questions. Unfortunately, you can be turned down for pre-existing conditions. Under the new rules, you have the option to change your policy and purchase a new plan with similar or lesser coverage without going through Medical underwriting. For instance, if you currently have a Plan G, you can purchase a Plan G from another company or any plan (with fewer benefits) with no health questions asked – as long as you do so using the Birthday Rule explained above. You cannot, however, upgrade or increase your benefits.  (Source)

If you need assistance with switching Medigap plans in Idaho (with or without the Birthday Rule), feel free to call us at 800-930-7956 or leave a comment in the box below.

Idaho Household Discounts for Medigap 

When two policies are issued by the same company to two people living in the same house, the company can provide a premium discount. This is called the Idaho Medigap Household Discount. These can range from 5% to 12%+ for each member. Contact to learn more or click on the household discount button on the Medigap quote results page. 

Idaho Medicare Part B Excess Charges

Part B Excess charges occur when doctors bill above Medicare-approved amounts. If doctors opt out of Medicare assignment, they can bill you extra, up to 15%. Luckily, Medigap Plan G covers 100% of excess charges, sparing you from paying these fees. Explore further in our article “How to Avoid Medicare Excess Charges.”

Medigap Under 65 in Idaho

According to the Idaho Department of Insurance rule 18.04.10, Medicare Supplement insurance policies in Idaho must be offered to individuals under 65 during their Medicare Initial Enrollment Period or any applicable guaranteed issue periods. Companies are allowed to charge premiums up to 150% of the rates for those aged 65. Higher rates can be reduced when you turn 65. Learn about Under65 Medigap rules here.

ID Most Popular Plan

You may already know that there have been recent changes in Medigap plans, resulting in a shift in the plans that are worth considering. In Idaho, the landscape has changed significantly, with Plan G emerging as the new preferred Medigap plan.

In the past, Plan F held the top spot in popularity, but since 2020, Plan G has gained traction, attracting over forty thousand enrollees among individuals who turned 65 after January 1, 2020. It’s important to stay informed about these changes and consider Plan G as a viable option for your Medigap coverage in ID. Get an instant quote for Plan G here.

What to do now for Medigap in Idaho

Now, simply give one of our licensed agents a call at 800-930-7956 to obtain an Idaho Medigap quote. It’s as simple as that!

And remember, our agents provide their services free of charge, so you won’t be charged extra fees!