Blue Shield of California now offers Medigap Plan F Extra and many of our clients want to know if the “Extra” is worth it. We will help you understand how Plan F Extra works and if you should enroll in this Medicare Supplemental plan.

Blue Shield CA is an independent member of the Blue Shield Association. They are a nonprofit insurance provider that offers Medicare Supplemental plans, including Plan F Extra, to California residents

Medigap F extra
Letter F is for Extra? Find out below

Medigap Plan F Overview

Plan F has historically been one of the most popular Medigap plans available. Why? For the simple reason that it is the one that offers the most coverage of all the Medigap plans at (traditionally) a fair price. Plan F even covers the Medicare Part B deductible.

It lost some traction in 2020 because of the MACRA law. This law stated that newly eligible Medicare beneficiaries, people that turned 65 after January 1st 2020, could not enroll in Plan F anymore.

So if you turned 65 on or after 2020, then this article is not for you. Your best option is usually Plan G. If you were 65 before 2020, however, then you can keep your plan F or you can still purchase it for the first time.

Enter Medigap Plan F Extra

When it comes to Blue Shield they offer something called Medigap Plan F Extra. It has the exact same core benefits as Plan F, but also includes additional benefits, such as hearing and vision. Even better, since F Extra is a relatively new Medicare Supplement plan, it has a pool of younger members. This allows the plan to be priced more aggressively, in search of even more members. Recently Blue Shield stopped selling standard Plan F to new customers so only Plan F Extra is now available.

Blue Shield Medigap Plan F and F Extra compared

Let’s check out the full comparison between Medigap Plan F and F Extra:

Medigap Plan F Medigap Plan F Extra
Estimated Cost No longer available Get a Quote
Enrollment No longer available Enroll in Plan F Extra
Doctor Network All Doctors that accept Medicare All Doctors that accept Medicare
Part A Hospital Benefit Period Deductible You pay $0 You pay $0
Hospital days Coinsurance You pay $0 You pay $0
Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance You pay $0 You pay $0
First 3 Pints of Blood You pay $0 You pay $0
Part B Annual Deductible You pay $0 You pay $0
Part B Copays/Coinsurance You pay $0 You pay $0
Part B Excess Charges You pay $0 You pay $0
Foreign Travel Emergency You pay 20% You pay 20%
Routine Eye Exam (every 12 months) Not included You pay $20
Glass Frames (every 24 months) Not included $100 Allowance
Glass Lenses (every 12 months) Not included You pay $25
Contacts (every 12 months) Not included You pay $0
Hearing Exam (every 12 months) Not included You pay $0
Hearing Aids (every 12 months) Not included $499-$799 discount on Vista Models
Other Benefits
Gym Yes Yes
New to Medicare Discount $25 $25
Household Discount 7% 7%
Autopay Discount $3 $3

*Estimated costs assume autopay discount and non-smoker. Contact at 800-930-7956 for help enrolling.

We can take some conclusions from the chart above:

  • Medigap F Extra has hearing and vision included, while F does not
  • Medigap F and F Extra often have similar costs so if you think you will use the hearing and vision benefits we recommend F Extra
  • Blue Shield also offers a Plan G Extra that may be a good alternative as well

Enroll in Blue Shield Medigap now

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