Indiana Medigap Plans, also known as Medicare Supplement insurance, provide coverage for the “gaps” in Medicare benefits, including deductibles and copayments. Both federal and state laws regulate Medicare Supplement policies in the Hoosier State and Indiana recently passed “Tammy’s Law” that changes how Medigap works for those under 65.

Indiana Medigap Plans are also called Medicare Supplement Insurance policies.

Medigap Basics

Indiana offers a selection of 8 standardized Medigap plans, each identified by a letter ranging from A to N. Previously offered Plans H, I, and J are no longer available, and Plans C and F are exclusively offered to individuals eligible for Medicare prior to January 2020. Additionally, there is a high deductible option for Plans G (marked with an asterisk in the chart below)

The remarkable aspect of these 8 plans (A, B, D, G, K, L, M, N) is their uniformity across all insurance companies. Regardless of which company you choose, the benefits provided by Plan A will be identical. Med Supp prices are regulated so no one can offer the same plan from the same provider lower than

IN Medigap Plan Chart of Current Plans

Plans available for those Medicare-eligible after January 1, 2020:

Benefits A B D G* K L M N
Medicare Part A Deductible ($1,632)   100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 50% 100%
Part B Deductible ($240)                
Medicare Part A Hospital Coinsurance and 365 additional hospital days 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Medicare Part B Coinsurance 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
First 3 Pints of Blood for a Transfusion 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Medicare Part A Hospice Coinsurance or Copay 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance     100% 100% 50% 75% 100% 100%
Medicare Part B Excess Charges       100%        
Foreign Emergency Healthcare     80% 80%     80% 80%
Max Out-of-Pocket         $7,060 $3,530    

Get a Medigap Quote Enroll in Medigap

When to enroll in an Indiana Medigap plan

Like most states, Indiana offers one Medigap Open Enrollment Period. It is usually a one-time event that lasts for six months and is sometimes called the initial enrollment period and begins when you are 65 or older and enroll in Medicare Part B.

During the Medigap Open Enrollment Period (OEP), a company:

  • Cannot deny you the opportunity to purchase a Medicare supplement policy, regardless of your health condition.
  • May inquire about your health through questions on the application.
  • Cannot impose a higher premium based on your medical history.

That’s why, even though it’s possible to switch plans later, it’s essential to have the guidance of a licensed independent insurance agent expert, like found on the team here at, to help you select the right plan when you are first eligible. 

Indiana Plans for Under 65 (TAMMY’s LAW)

In most states, there is no initial MedSup enrollment period for those who are under 65 and have Medicare due to a disability.  In Indiana however, there is Tammy’s Law (SEA 392) which requires Medigap providers in IN to offer Medigap plan A to those Medicare eligible individuals under 65. 

Learn more at our Medigap for under 65 article

Most Popular Medigap Plan in Indiana State

According to America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the national trade association representing health insurance providers in the United States, nearly 388,000 Indiana residents have a Medigap Plan. As you may be aware, Medigap underwent changes in 2020, resulting in changes to the Medigap plans worth considering.

Plan F, which previously had the highest number of enrolled members, is no longer available for new Medicare beneficiaries. As a result, Plan G has become the most popular Medigap plan for individuals who turned 65 after January 1, 2020.

We understand that selecting a Medigap plan in Indiana can be an overwhelming decision. This guide aims to assist you in evaluating the pros and cons of purchasing a policy, which can be beneficial to you. Also, we’re here to assist you in every possible way. There is never a charge or hidden fee to work with us and no one can sell the same Medigap plan for less than can.

Indiana Medigap Discounts

While all Medigap plans are standardized, there are some companies that offer the “Household Discount” or “HH Discounts“. These discounts refer to a percentage off your monthly Medicare Supplement premium when two individuals from the same address are both enrolled with the same Med Supp insurance company.

This discount applies regardless of whether you reside in a house, apartment, yurt, trailer, or any other type of dwelling. It is applicable even if your spouse is already enrolled and you are applying for coverage as a new enrollee.

Please note that household discounts are not displayed in our quoting system, so it’s recommended to reach out to one of our licensed agents at 800-930-7956. 

Indiana Medicare Excess Charges

Part B Excess charges happen if doctors charge beyond Medicare’s approval. When they don’t accept Medicare assignment, they can legally add up to 15%. The good news: Medigap plan G covers 100% of excess charges, so your insurer pays these fees. Learn more in our article “How to Avoid Medicare Excess Charges.”

Indiana Switching Medigap Plans

Choosing the right Medicare insurance plan can be tricky with so many options, carriers, and deductibles available. A plan that seemed perfect when you first signed up might not be ideal anymore. In Indiana, you have the flexibility to switch between Medigap (MedSup) plans any time during the year. However, since Indiana doesn’t follow the Medigap Birthday Rule, you’ll need to answer health questions to get approved for a new plan.

If you’re thinking about making a change, don’t hesitate to call 800-930-7956. A member of the team will offer you free guidance. Just make sure you don’t cancel your current policy until your new one is confirmed. For more information, take a look at our article, “Medicare Insurance Switching: Ultimate Guide.

Next Steps

Now that you are aware of the available plans and the discounts you can access, it’s time to take action. We can assist you in determining the most suitable Medigap plan for your specific needs.
Feel free to drop a comment/question in the section below or directly call one of our licensed agents at 800-930-7956.
Remember, our agents can NOT charge a fee for any services!