Medigap Plan F the most comprehensive, which is probably why it is by far the most popular Medigap plan with 40% of all Medigap beneficiaries enrolled in Medigap Plan F. What does “most comprehensive” actually mean? We understand that the language is rather vague. Let us explain in more details what Medigap Plan F offers.

Medigap Plan F

By now you have probably learned that Medicare Part A and Part B do not cover all your medical expenses. Medigap plan F is designed to cover most all the “gaps” that are not paid for by Original Medicare. Here is a quick list:

  • First 3 Pints of Blood
  • An additional 365 hospitalization days
  • Medicare Part A Skilled Nursing coinsurance
  • Hospice coinsurance
  • Hospitalization coinsurance
  • Part B coinsurance/copays for doctor’s visits
  • Part A and B deductibles
  • Foreign emergency healthcare* (up to $50K)
  • Part B excess charges

*Medigap Plan F kicks in after you pay a $250 deductible and you are still responsible for 20% of care until the lifetime $50K limit is reached.

What Medigap Plan F Doesn’t Cover:

It is important to note that besides foreign healthcare, extra hospital days, and first 3 pints of blood, Medigap ONLY pays the gaps in coverage that Original Medicare leaves. This is basically all the copays, co-insurance and deductibles which can add up to tens of thousands of dollars if you have lots of medical needs. Medigap does not cover Rx. If you want to have drug coverage, you’ll want to choose a Medicare prescription drug plan.

For a instant Medigap Plan F quote in your area, enter your zip below and click Get Quote. No personal information is required! If you need help give a call at the number above.