If you delayed enrolling in Medicare Part B because you had employer-sponsored health insurance coverage, you may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) to apply online for Medicare Part B without penalty. To apply for Medicare Part B during a Special Enrollment Period, you can do so directly at a Social Security Office.  Most of our clients, however, prefer to do this online. Learn how below.

Late to Medicare Part B due to employer insurance? You may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP).

To enroll online for Medicare Part B during a SEP, you will need to complete and submit the “Request for Employment Information” form L564 and The “Application for Enrollment in Medicare Part B”.  

Follow these steps to apply for Medicare Part B online. 

Step 1: Fill out L564 (Request for Employment Information)

The Request for Employment Information, also known as Form L564, verifies whether you had employer-sponsored health insurance coverage that enabled you to delay enrolling in Medicare Part B without penalty. The government needs this doc so they know that you indeed had credible health insurance coverage during the time you delayed Part B.  You can download form L564 from the Medicare.gov website.  

How to Fill out Form L564.  This is a PDF form. 

  1. Provide your personal information: Fill out the top section of the form with your personal information, including your name, address, Social Security number, and date of birth.
  2. Provide your employer’s information: Have your employer fill out the section of the form that asks for your employer’s information, including the name of your employer, their address, and the type of health insurance coverage that you had through your employer.
  3. Get your employer to sign and date the form.
  4. Get this form in electronic format.
    1. See if you can have your employer scan and email it to you. 
    2. If not take a photo of the doc and upload it to your computer

Note: Some awesome employers will fill out the whole doc for you in advance but you will have to bug most companies to get this completed. 

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Step 2) Complete the Application for Enrollment in Medicare Part B

  1. Go to the Social Security Administration website: Visit the Social Security Administration website at www.ssa.govhttps://secure.ssa.gov/mpboa/medicare-part-b-online-application/
  2. Navigate to the Medicare section: On the homepage, click on the “Medicare” tab in the top menu.
  3. Click on “Apply for Medicare”: Scroll down the Medicare page until you see the “Apply for Medicare” button and click on it.
  4. Select “Apply for Medicare Part B only”: On the “Apply for Medicare” page, select “Apply for Medicare Part B only”. Then click “Next.”
  5. Follow the prompts: You will be prompted to enter your personal information, including your name, address, Social Security number, and date of birth. You will also be asked to provide information about your employer and whether you have health insurance coverage through them.
  6. Upload Form L564! You must upload the form (see step 1) to avoid delays and penalties. 
  7. Review and submit your application: Once you have entered all the required information, review your application to make sure all the information is correct. Then, submit your application electronically. 
  8. Wait for confirmation: After submitting your application, you will receive an email. In which you must click a link to verify your signature. If you miss this step, they will not process your application.

Once your enrollment is processed, you will receive a Medicare card. If you want to know when your coverage will start, you can read our updated article: Medicare Part B: New Start Dates For Coverage In 2023. Remember: if you enroll during a Special Enrollment Period, you will not be subject to any late enrollment penalties.

Note: If you delayed Medicare Part B coverage, but do not have credible coverage through work, you can apply during the General Enrollment Period. This period runs from January 1 to March 31 each year. However, there may be a late enrollment penalty that you will have to pay in addition to your monthly premium.

Next Steps after you Enroll in Medicare Part B

Once you have enrolled in Medicare Part B, you are ready for a Medicare Supplemental plan. You can get an instant Medigap quote here or call our team at 800-930-7956 to review your options.