Aetna of California just announced that they have updated their process for accepting Medicare Supplement policies, commonly known to most of us as Medigap. The reason for this is California requires health providers offer an annual switching period for individuals currently enrolled in a Medicare Supplement plan.

Birthday Rule for Medigap in CA

The CA birthday rule just means that an open enrollment period begins on the insured’s birthday and concludes 60 days after. Current Medigap holders can switch at this time to another Medigap plan with equal or lesser value/benefits than the one they currently have without answering any health questions. If you don’t currently have a Medigap policy go our Medigap Overview Page to sign up today.

Do Pre-Existing Conditions Preclude Me From Switching Medigap Plans?

Nope! Great news. Medical underwriting or preexisting conditions cannot stop you from switching to a Medigap plan that better suits your needs.

When Does My New Medigap Switch Over?

That’s up to you. You can have your new plan effective as of your birthday or up to 90 days after your birthday. Explore your Go-To Guide for Understanding the Medigap Birthday Rule in Every State

3 Things to Note When Switching Medigap Plans with Aetna

• “Notice to Applicant Regarding Replacement of Medigap” form must be completed and signed by both the agent and the applicant. We can make sure you get this.
• Proof of enrollment in a Medigap Plan (copy of member ID card) must be submitted.
• Aetna’s California’s application has not been updated to reflect this change but we can offer assistance to make the transition smoother. For help switching your Medigap plan contact 800-930-7956

Any further questions about the “birthday rule” or Medigap plans contact