When getting Medicare there are a few things every senior should know about their Medicare policy. As there are many facets of Medicare, we wanted to point out 4 of your rights that are important to you.
Most people know that you get Medicare at 65, but when do you sign up? It’s a great question, and we have an answer. You should sign up three months prior to…
SS Medicare sounds like a naval ship out at sea, but what we’re talking about is Social Security and Medicare. These two work together in ways that you might not be familiar with.
So you’re new to Medicare and don’t really know what to do. Things are very different from individual or group insurance, so we’ve made a list of what you need to do once you are eligible.
The basics of Medicare can be overwhelming, we’ve found some information to guide you. For instance, If you didn’t sign up for Medicare B in your initial enrollment you should…
Alright, so you’re eligible for Medicare, but have no clue what to do. No problem. We’ve got answers. Medicare can seem really confusing without the right guide. So we’ve listed what you need to save the most money with Medicare.
If you don’t have other credible prescription drug coverage through work or spouse, you will pay a 1 percent penalty for late enrollment for every month that you could have enrolled but chose not to.
Filing for Medicare is easier than it may seem. Medicare makes it very easy to fill out paperwork, find out if you’re eligible, and to be able to use your plan as soon as you are eligible. We have laid out what you need to know when filing for Medicare.
If you are over 65 you can still sign up for Medicare but their may be some penalties for some people who sign up too late. First off, what is Medicare’s initial enrollment period? It is a seven month period starting…
Coming from the group or individual market, most newly senior persons are used to drug coverage being part of the package. However, quickly seniors will learn that Original Medicare does not provide prescription coverage. Here are the things you need to know about Medicare Part D…